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Touch Rugby

Teacher Hosts Touch Rugby Championships II

COLSIS Middle School Touch Rugby Championships
© 2015 - Dara Smith Fotografía

– Middle School Rugby –

The middle school students at Colegio San Ignacio de la Ssalle continued to battle it out during the championship rounds to determine who has what it takes to be touch rugby champions. These middle school students left nothing to chance and give it their all. There might even be a few unexpected outcomes. Also, a big thanks to the players from Del Valle Linces Rugby Club that came to help referee the games. Check out the results below!

– Semifinal Rounds –

01Girls#1 – Gomitas (VS) #4 – PejelagartosGomitas
02Boys#1 – Black Sheeps (VS) #4 – SicosisBlack Sheeps
03Girls#2 – Red Light (VS) #3 – WineRed Light
04Boys#2 – Invictus (VS) #3 – CumbiaInvictus

– Medal Rounds –

GameDivisionTeamsThird Place
05Girls#4 – Pejelagartos (VS) #3 – WinePejelagartos
06Boys#4 – Sicosis (VS) #3 – CumbiaCumbia

– Championship Finals –

07Girls#1 – Gomitas (VS) #2 – Red LightRed Light
08Boys#1 – Black Sheeps (VS) #2 – InvictusInvictus

– Results –

GirlsFirstRed LightBoysFirstInvictus
GirlsSecondGomitasBoysSecondBlack Sheeps

– Elementary School Rugby –

Be sure to check out the third and final part of this series where the elementary school rugby tournament consisted of 52 games in one day!!!

International sports photographer specializing in rugby.

More in Touch Rugby