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Los Andes Lacrosse Tournament II

Los Andes Lacrosse II
© 2018 - RAM Sports Zone

– Lacrosse Opportunity –

I am always on the lookout to try photographing new and different sports. I have always wanted to play lacrosse, but never had the opportunity. However, when I discovered that there was lacrosse league in Chile, I thought this was my opportunity to photograph the sport. This would also be a way for me to get to know the community.

Interesting Fact: I may have never played lacrosse, but that did not stop me from incorporating the sport into my physical education classes at the school where I worked. However, that is a story for another article. You can read it here: COLSIS Lacrosse Project.

– Amistoso de Los Andes II –

Anyways, this friendly lacrosse tournament, Amistoso de Los Andes II, was going to be held in Santiago. I got in touch with Chile Lacrosse and explained how I would like the opportunity to photograph their event. They were so excited that someone was so interested and welcomed me to the tournament. Not only am about to try photographing lacrosse for the first time, I will be photographing nine games in two days.

– Photographing Lacrosse –

I understood the rules of the game quite well, but It was learning the body mechanics of the sport that was slowing me down. If you have never played the sport you are photographing, it makes it more difficult to anticipate the moments to capture. Photographing nine games in two days, I believe I will have learned most of the body mechanics.

– Allergic Reaction –

I am not sure what happened, but after the first day, my I had a rash on my left arm. Maybe it was hives? Whatever it was, I was having an allergic reaction to something, but I did not know what. Based on my symptoms, I decided not to go to the doctor and to continue photographing the second day. I taped a wet towel to my arm to help minimize the spread, the swelling, and the itch. I was there to photograph lacrosse and I did what I had to do to get the job done.

International sports photographer specializing in rugby.

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