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Women's Rugby

Women’s Rugby 7s National Championship

TNC Women's Rugby 7s National Championship
© 2022 - Dara Smith Fotografía

– The Hike –

The location for the tournament is actually quite far outside of the city being at the base of the mountain range. I had to take several busses and trains to get there. Even then, I still had to walk a few more kilometers. I did not realize that I would be hiking today. The hill to get to the rugby facility was so steep I thought I was hiking the up to the towers in Torres del Paine again. At least there was shade pretty much all the up to help shield me from the heat. Anyways, by the time I got to the top, I was seating pretty good and I had drank a third of my water. I could see how this particular hill would be a great place to exercise. You would walk, run, bike and do a number of activities.

– Intense Heat –

I do not care what the temperature says, the heat felt at least 10-20 degrees hotter. It was so intense as there was absolutely no shade anywhere. Being so far out in the country, I imagined lots of big trees and a nice breeze. However, it was the opposite. It was very bright and the sun was beating down on us like an egg in a frying pan. I was a good thing the Gatorade company was on hand giving out cups of ice cold Gatorade.

– Fellow Photographer –

Meeting other photographers is always fun. Just as in sports, it is an opportunity to interact with photographers not only from your local area, but from different regions and even from different countries. This is just the case with Matias, who is from Argentina, but he has been living in Chile. I enjoyed talking with him about sports photography. I look forward to meeting him again one day.

– The Games –

International sports photographer specializing in rugby.

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