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Deaf Rugby

Barbarians Deaf Rugby vs Australia Deaf Rugby

© 2023 - RAM Sports Zone

– The Aussies –

I am not going to lie, I was actually more nervous about playing Australia than I was against the defending world champs, Wales. As a matter of fact, as I mentioned in the Wales post, I was actually excited to be playing Wales because then I can say I actually played against the defending world champions. I was a bit nervous about playing against Australia because they have some big boys and we have been watching how they have been cutting players down on field. We (Barbarians) are a team mostly composed of small players. However, that reminds me of my university rugby days. We tended to be the smaller team, but we were very scrappy and played with a lot of heart.

– Playing The Game –

The weather was forecasted that it would be partially sunny and partially cloudy for the qualifying games today. As the tournament got under way, it was a full sunny day with high humidity. The humidity was so intense, I kept getting cotton mouth every few minutes. I have not had to deal with cottonmouth for years. However, I noticed the could started to slowly roll in and eventually block out the sun. The darker it got, the more excited I got. That the unexpected happened, it rained! It was refreshing.

Anyways, after a few minutes, you realize the Australians are players just like us, human just like us, and it was not so bad. I mean, we got demolished, but it was still fun just to play them. By the way, we never got a chance to get a team photo with Australia because we lent our jerseys to the Barbarians women’s team. However, I did manage to get a photo with them after their championship game against Wales. Thanks for the photo Australia.

International sports photographer specializing in rugby.

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